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Heat Advisory: Seminole County releases details on their Extreme Weather Heat Plan


Seminole County activates the Extreme Weather Plan as a part of the County’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan when temperatures are expected to get near 100 degrees.  This Plan is activated when the National Weather Service issues a Heat Advisory.  In Florida, a Heat Advisory is issued when the heat index is expected to rise above 108.   

Cooling / Relief Centers

As part of this plan, cooling / relief centers are established at all County parks and libraries.  These facilities, as well as indoor malls and shopping plazas, can provide relief for persons who do not have air conditioning at home, temporary power outages, or similar.  Secondly, an emergency relief shelter is placed on standby in the event of power outage, or loss of HVAC at a local assisted living facility, nursing home, and/or a senior congregate living facility. Critical safety information is provided to all tournaments in parks and sporting complexes in Seminole County, residents through the County’s alerting system, and use of all social media platforms to provide safety information.     

Symptoms of heat exhaustion and possible stroke

Muscle cramps, heavy perspiration, lightheadedness, weakness, and nausea can mean that heat exhaustion and possible stroke is likely.  Children, seniors, and persons with special needs are most susceptible to heat. 

A victim of a heat related illness needs help immediately.  Even if this means that the victim must be subjected to extreme changes in temperature, the most important thing to remember is to cool the patient.  With proper care and speed of medical assistance, persons can prevent the illness from becoming heat exhaustion or stroke.

General safety practices can help: 1) hydrate regularly with proper fluids, 2) use shade, 3) protect pets, 4) take breaks when working outdoors, and 5) understand the signs of heat exhaustion / stroke.

Seminole County Government, Health, Heat Exhaustion, Safety Tips, What is an Extreme Weather Plan include? Seminole County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, National Weather Service, Heat Advisory, What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?


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